Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A bit about boundaries

Ever had writing truly resonate with you? Like, the feeling that the author was writing about your exact situation? That's how I felt reading author Jim C. Hines's post on Boundaries. In it, he discusses how absolute boundaries should be, and how our culture reinforces the belief that boundaries can be completely disregarded, particularly when set by women. I wish more people had a clear grasp of this concept, the world would be a much better place for it.

Another article that got me thinking today was Womanist Musing's "What If Sasha and Malia Obama Arn't Straight?" It addresses some of the finer points about how harmful a heteronormative upbringing can be to LGBTQ children, even in the absence of overt bigotry towards non-hetero/sexual/cis persons. Of course, this is just what stood out to me in particular in an article packed with social justice themes, including race, gatekeeping female sexuality, and the difficulties of life in the public eye.

Both of these articles gave me ideas for longer posts of my own, but as those will probably take me weeks to write (or I'll never post them, like an article I wrote in March, and decided was too personal to actually publish), I figured I'd throw up the links while they're still current.

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